Cell phone trifecta

When I was working on my masters degree in the principalship, I was involved in a program that utilized a classroom walkthrough (CWT) tool. This methodology was employed as a means for educational leaders to collect data in regards to what type of professional practice they observed in their school building. From there, principals had a base of data to review and analyze as they made decisions about what type of professional development their staff needed. Since that experience, I’ve been thinking that designing a CWT for the iPhone/iPod Touch would be a great project to work on.

If there is anyone who is using a CWT on a handheld device currently (I know of one option, but I’m not crazy about it…) or if you are using a more traditional method of CWT, I’d be interested in talking about it with you here or on the IEAR NING where I have also cross posted this entry on the discussion board. I think this would be a great app to get started on. Any thoughts?

Photo Credit: Cell phone trifecta by williamhartz, on Flickr