
A few weeks ago I posted Essential iPod Touch Apps from a 9 Year Old Boy’s Perspective. In it, I provided an overview of all of the iPod Touch apps that Isaac currently had installed on his Touch. I created a Google Spreadsheet to use to keep track of his list. That led me tho think it might be an interesting little research study to collect Isaac’s opinions regarding the apps. Why did him pick them out on the iTunes Store and download them? What makes an app engaging, or not engaging? How would he rate the app? So, like any good educational researcher, I created a quick assessment tool for Isaac to use to review the app and for me to collect my data.

I’m not going to lie, it’s been a bit of tough sell to Isaac. Even though I created a desktop shortcut to the Google Form on Isaac’s laptop, he has been a little reluctant to actually open it up and submit review data on his own. I have managed to coax him into reviewing two apps on two separate occasions. I’m going to share the first four reviews with you tonight in their submitted form. Early on in this process, it seems like Isaac really enjoys apps by the developers at Donut Games.

I hope you enjoy Isaac’s reviews. While I was tempted to edit them for punctuation, grammar and spelling, I’ve ultimately decided against it. I mean, he is 9 after all and they actually are in pretty good form:) His ratings are based on a 5 star system with 5 being the highest rating an app can achieve. He is also looking forward to feedback from Raised Digital readers. I mean really looking forward to your feedback, as he’s asked me practically everyday this week if anyone has left him a comment. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I hadn’t gotten around to writing this post until just now.

Please leave any questions, comments or additional thoughts for Isaac on this Google Form.

App Name:

Isaac’s Rating:

  • 4 Stars – I really like this app

Why I downloaded this app:

  • I like apps by this developer, Just curious to see what it was

Why I like/dislike this app:

  • Because when people throw bottles you can deflect them.

Action Hero

App Name:

Isaac’s Rating:

  • 3 Stars – I like this app

Why I downloaded this app:

  • It looked cool, I like apps by this developer, I liked the app picture (icon)

Why I like/dislike this app:

  • Because it is fun.You get to cut the lawn but you half to watch out because there is a mole and a dog but when you cut the lawn the dog poops on the lawn.

Sunday Lawn

App Name:

Isaac’s Rating:

  • 4 Stars – I really like this app

Why I downloaded this app:

  • It looked cool, I like apps by this developer, I liked the app picture (icon)

Why I like/dislike this app:

  • You are a buggy that has three wheels you only can jump and shoot missles there are trees rocks and fire you must hit them or jump over them.

Action Buggy

App Name:

Isaac’s Rating:

  • 3 Stars – I like this app

Why I downloaded this app:

  • It looked cool, I like apps by this developer, I liked the app picture (icon), Just curious to see what it was

Why I like/dislike this app:

  • this app is very fun you must move left or right you can not get hit by the rock walls or get itby jelly-blobs.but on this one level you must have a partner as a flying pig the level is called more helpers.

