EduCon 2.2 2014 January 29201331, 2010 2014 Philadelphia

Educon 2.2 has come and gone, but I certainly have not forgotten it. I had intended on posting my reflections in a more timely manner, but a few things over the past few weeks have kept me from finishing this post. So while I’m a little behind the other Educon attendees who posted reflections, I still think that it is worthwhile to finish this post and to contribute my thoughts and take-aways back to the community. Thanks to all those I was able to meet and learn with in Philadelphia.

Take-Away #1: Students own the event.

From the moment Kim and I walked into the doors of Science Leadership Academy until the time we left, I was impressed with how students were the center of the event. Dressed in their white lab coats, we were greeted at the registration table and escorted around the building to tour the school facilities. Along the way, our gracious hosts gave us a first-person account of the ins and outs of SLA. They started by providing us with a thorough overview of the core values that guide the learning at SLA. Students were extremely articulate in explaining the admission process, describing the types of classes they are taking, the schedule that they follow, the assessment methods they’re involved with and what they like most about attending SLA.

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