While Qik has been around for almost a year or more, I’ve never had the opportunity to leverage the service into my blog or any of my presentations. This had been primarily due to the fact that I did not have a Nokia phone or an iPhone. Alas, I am one of the few Mac users who uses a Blackberry. This is because I have a family plan/contract with Verizon for my cellular service. I’m extremely satisfied with Verizon’s service, but have always been a little bummed that I can’t have an iPhone (that isn’t jailbroken). Today, everything got a little better when I found out that Qik was now supporting the BlackBerry Storm, the mobile device I am currently carrying. You can see the results of Qik from my Storm above. I plan on testing the service more extensively in the upcoming weeks. If you’re a Storm owner who would like to utilize Qik, you can enter following link in Blackberry Storm browser and download latest version (0.1.11): http://qik.com/dl/298. Check the blog frequently for future episodes of Raised Digital LIVE!
