
Sprouts and STEM: Growing What We Know About Early Childhood Education and Technology

Digital tools are playing an increasingly important role in classroom learning.  In order to design high-quality learning experiences for our youngest students, early childhood educators must be informed and judicious in the manner in which they integrate these technologies.  Join Jeremy Brueck as he explores appropriate and innovative ways to integrate technology into classrooms in support of young children’s learning.  Drawn on his own research, child development theory, and developmentally appropriate  practice as a foundation, Brueck will demonstrate how digital tools can enhance early learning, support teaching goals, and improve teaching practice.  Brueck will discuss the role of digital tools in:

  • Creating engaging and educational experiences for young children that balance with other hands-on learning experiences
  • Helping educators with management, organization, and professional learning
  • Building teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge

Keynote Presentation Slides

Breakout Session Slides

Breakout Session Resources


I recently spoke at the Arizona Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction Conference: STEM for the Young Child at Rio Salado College in Tempe, Arizona. Below are the resources and items I shared in my session titled Sprouts & STEM: Growing What we Know about Early Childhood Education & Technology.

List of ebooks and apps shared at the symposium.

  1. Recent
  2. Articles

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