Join Dr. Jeremy Brueck as he discusses a comprehensive approach on how administrators and teachers can integrate the Google ecology in the K-12 environment. The session will provide a wide-ranging look at several frameworks and models that form a roadmap on how to successfully leverage the Google ecology to improve student learning. A vital component of this approach is the interaction and collaboration between the teacher (content knowledge expert), their instructional approaches (pedagogy), and the Google ecology (technology). This interaction is known as the Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Model. Learn how you can use TPACK to frame effective technology integration for pedagogy around specific subject matter.


Even our youngest students expect learning spaces that seamlessly integrate digital tools, accommodate a mobile lifestyle, adapt to individual learning styles & encourage collaboration. The Google ecology provides the technological means to support this type of pedagogical approach, however, teachers must become develop a more complete understanding of mobile technology hardware, web-based software & OS. How does an elementary teacher incorporate the affordances of the Google ecology into meaningful learning? Join Dr. Jeremy Brueck as he highlights a variety of GAFE tools and Chrome extensions young children can use to tell their own stories, boosting reading and writing skills. Come discover new ways to use the Google ecology to support and enhance the reading and writing process.



Sprouts and STEM: Growing What We Know About Early Childhood Education and Technology

Digital tools are playing an increasingly important role in classroom learning.  In order to design high-quality learning experiences for our youngest students, early childhood educators must be informed and judicious in the manner in which they integrate these technologies.  Join Jeremy Brueck as he explores appropriate and innovative ways to integrate technology into classrooms in support of young children’s learning.  Drawn on his own research, child development theory, and developmentally appropriate  practice as a foundation, Brueck will demonstrate how digital tools can enhance early learning, support teaching goals, and improve teaching practice.  Brueck will discuss the role of digital tools in:

  • Creating engaging and educational experiences for young children that balance with other hands-on learning experiences
  • Helping educators with management, organization, and professional learning
  • Building teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge

Keynote Presentation Slides

Breakout Session Slides

Breakout Session Resources



Warren Buckleitner, a fantastic colleague and mentor, has again asked me to be a part of the conversation at his 2nd Annual Dust or Magic eBook Retreat: Designing and Critiquing Narrative Driven Interactive Media for Children, being held April 27-29, 2014. This great event is held in Honesdale, PA at the Highlights Foundation Retreat, a really amazing venue for relaxing, creating, networking and  professional learning. I’m extremely excited  to get a chance to learn along side the fabulous presenters he has lined up such as, William Teale, Junko Yokota and Mark Schlichting. Below you can find my conversation description as well as a pretty complete list of references related to ebooks and early literacy. View source document.


Aiden was recently asked to record some sample fluency passages for preservice teachers at The University of Akron to use for practicing 3-Minute Reading Assessments. We used the AudioBoo app to record the passages and post to the cloud. Below you’ll find the embedded audio clips. Teachers could easily use a similar method to post student clips for sharing with parents or other teachers on their team.

The source of the passages is located here. You can also find the teacher scoring sheets for each passage.


I recently spoke at the Arizona Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction Conference: STEM for the Young Child at Rio Salado College in Tempe, Arizona. Below are the resources and items I shared in my session titled Sprouts & STEM: Growing What we Know about Early Childhood Education & Technology.

List of ebooks and apps shared at the symposium.


photo 6

I just returned from 3 days in Columbus, Ohio, where I took part in the Ohio Educational Technology Conference. I had a wonderful time learning, sharing and collaborating with friends and colleagues new and old. Monday was a special day for me, as I was presented with the Collegiate Innovator #BestEdTech Award. Tuesday was by far my favorite day though, as I was able to participate in #OETCx, the official ALTconference. I also presented two official conference sessions centered around my ebook research and various ebook related projects I’ve been involved in. As I promised in both those sessions, here are the resources I shared for those of you looking to get started with ebooks in your district, school or library.

Ebook Creation Apps

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Recently, the Ohio Board of Regents asked me to hold a webinar as part of Ohio’s celebration of Digital Learning Day. Today, I finalized the details of this event and I have shared them below. I’m looking forward to this webinar, as I have the opportunity to present with an outstanding second grade teacher from Green Local Schools, Ms. Kourtney Denning. Kourtney was part of my Digital Text Initiative back in the 2011-2012 school year and continues to be a leader in the classroom when it comes to digital pedagogies. Please join us for what promises to be an interesting and entertaining event!

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I haven’t been blogging much lately. I know this, but I don’t think that it is so much a reflection of me not sharing my ideas and thoughts, as much as it is a reflection of my more focused effort to complete my dissertation. After working on that as regularly as I can, I just don’t feel like writing blog posts, and I think I’m ok with that for now. At least until the big paper is complete. But, in the meantime, that doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking through all the great questions posed to me by the thoughtful and  reflective individuals in my personal learning network.

Those questions keep coming and increasingly, I’ve allowed myself to respond within the confines of 140 characters. Right or wrong, that’s the time I have at this point to offer. I hope that changes soon. I want it to change. And maybe it will, starting today. I received an email from a trusted colleague in regards to #OETCx, “the official unconference” of the Ohio Educational Technology Conference. Like myself, this person has been involved in the planning and evolution of #OETCx since it started last year. It was a succinct message:

We have a schedule for both rooms this year? Seems a little antithesis to the whole unconference thing…

Read the rest of this entry…



This post originates from the “I get this question a lot file” and after I spent the time to type out a response, it seemed like something I should be sharing openly, rather than exclusively through a private email message.

Mr. Brueck,

You were referred to me by [name withheld to protect the innocent], the tech coordinator for [insert school or district here]. He assured me that you were the “go to man” who could point me in the right direction.
I’m a reading interventionist and in search of quality iPad apps to support our reading instruction. In particular, I’m looking for apps to support comprehension and vocabulary development for 7-10 year olds reading at first and second grade levels.  Of course, they love interactivity and game playing.  Any recommendations?
Thanks for you help!
My response.
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